Key information

Journal name: Nordic Journal of Systematic Reviews in Education

eISSN: 2704-1883

Editor-in-chief: Elaine Munthe, Knowledge Centre for Education, University of Stavanger

Publisher: Cappelen Damm Forskning

Publisher’s address: Postboks 1900, 0055 Oslo, Norway

Publisher’s organization number: NO 948061937 MVA

Publisher contact: Niklas Sandberg

Publisher contact’s email address:

Journal owner: Knowledge Centre for Education, University of Stavanger

Journal owner’s address: University of Stavanger, 4036 Stavanger, P.O. box 8600, Norway

License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

DOAJ status: Once the journal has received its eISSN, it will be registered with DOAJ.